Tuesday Jan 30, 2024

Ask the Audience Series: What I Wish I Knew Before My Fertility Journey


We're kicking off a new series on the podcast - Ask the Audience

I'm hitting the streets asking people who’ve dealt with infertility, miscarriage, pregnancy loss etc. one question each episode.

It’s a way to gather advice from people who’ve actually been in the trenches of infertility. Not people who haven’t but think they know what it’s like.

In this first episode of the series we're answering the question: "What I Wish I Knew Before My Fertility Journey". 

There's a reason the saying goes hindsight is 2020. It's like having a crystal ball that predicts what the stock market is going to do this here, or who's going to win the election.  It's like walking into your last final senior year and having the answer key in your back pocket.  Now you may be starting to wonder Charlie. 

What's this afternoon with infertility.  Well, let me ask you this. What would it have felt like to know where the road was taking you before you left your garage? Would you even have turned on the engine? Or would you still be sitting in your car white knuckling, the steering wheel, because you were too afraid to go.  My goal for this podcast is to always provide you with incredible value. Whether that's through interviewing industry experts, sharing stories from regular women, like you and me. We're sharing insights from my journey and how I was able to learn to love my life without kids. It's first and foremost about bringing you the information you need. To feel empowered in your choices. 

That's why I decided to start something new on the show. Introducing as the audience in this new series, which I'm sprinkling into the show at least once every other month. I'm hitting the streets and asking women like you who've been in the trenches of infertility. One question each episode that will give you insights and add to your toolbox of skills. 

You need to learn to love your life without kids.  And today's first ask the audience series. I asked 11 women who have gone through infertility and decided to remain childless afterwards. What's one thing you wish you knew when you started your fertility journey.  These are women from all walks of life.  From a VP of HR for a technology company. To a homesteader in the mountains of Tennessee. This shows that infertility doesn't discriminate and it can affect anyone anywhere in any walk of life. 

I'll also be chiming in on the answers given. 

Let's dive in.


WORK 1:1 WITH ME: If you're struggling with your fertility journey, and are craving connection and direction from someone whose been in your shoes...I'd love to show you the exact steps I took to find peace and happiness, even with my infertility. 

I have a few spots left for a completely free, no-obligation 30-minute connection call where we dive into your unique situation and give you actionable steps you can take today to start feeling like yourself again. Click HERE to secure your spot before they're gone!  


Thanks to our amazing partners! Check out these deals just for you:

Wild Wonder - Head to drinkwildwonder.com/LIFEBEYONDINFERTILITY to get 15% off your entire order!

Mosie Baby - When intercourse isn't working or not possible, try the first FDA-cleared at-home intravaginal insemination kit.


If you haven’t already, please subscribe, rate, and review the podcast to be notified of new episodes every Tuesday. Plus, be sure to follow along on Instagram @lifebeyondinfertility.


Click HERE to give a 1-time show of support - thank you so much!  ___________________________________________________________________________

AFFILIATES & SPONSORS: For podcast affiliate information or partnership inquiries, please email: charlie@charliedice.com.    

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